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Геймер Foxard 15


ПРОДАЖА\ОБМЕН Гифтов, ключей\\\STEAM!!!!

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76 комментариев к «ПРОДАЖА\ОБМЕН Гифтов, ключей\\\STEAM!!!!»

  • Dead Island Epidemic можно и на халяву получить, Collapse и Anomaly бесплатно раздавали.

    Жадные вы люди!


    Геймер Evan_Fox 51

  • Evan_Fox писал:

    Dead Island Epidemic можно и на халяву получить, Collapse и Anomaly бесплатно раздавали.

    Жадные вы люди!

    Причем тут это???? Я же не ставлю цену? или продаю только это... просто написал что есть в гифтах и ключах.... Кто успел активировать молодец... я же не заставляю... и не пишу что все куплено за фулл стоимость на Стиме... Кому, что надо, тот и обратится за этим... Так что Ваш коммент, тут минимум - неуместен...


    Геймер Foxard 15

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    Плюсатор Basson 19

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    Геймер Foxard 15

  • Foxard писал:

    Basson писал:

    Кидай трейд на Майами...

    Добавь в стиме. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Basson/


    Плюсатор Basson 19

  • Горилла копейки стоил по скидкам. Набил гифтов - прибарыжить захотел. Ни хрена не продал. Раздал друзьям, кому понравилось.

    Кстати я тоже не против обменяться такого рода играми. НужОн: Afterfall: InSanity

    Обменяю на выбор:

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    И те, и другие раздавались бесплатно. Усё по чесноку.

    Да. У меня не гифты а ключи. С момента раздачи так и не активировал.


    Геймер Zubarick 26

  • Первые результаты

    Самый мощный инструмент наблюдения за космическим пространством, который когда-либо был в распоряжении человечества, — космический телескоп "Джеймс Уэбб" (JWST) вывели на орбиту вокруг точки Лагранжа L2 системы Солнце — Земля 24 января. Предполагали, что он сможет заглянуть так далеко в глубины космоса, куда не дотягивался ни один телескоп, и увидит свет первых звезд и галактик, образовавшихся сразу после Большого взрыва.

    Первые снимки JWST НАСА опубликовало 12 июля. Это была серия из пяти изображений, самых глубоких и четких за всю историю космических наблюдений. Накануне одно из них, со скоплением галактик SMACS 0723, известное как Первое глубокое поле Уэбба, представили в Белом доме президенту США Джо Байдену.

    Выступая на презентации, глава НАСА Билл Нельсон отметил, что снимок охватывает лишь очень небольшой участок звездного неба, который покрывает песчинка, зажатая между пальцами на расстоянии вытянутой руки.

    "Джеймс Уэбб" полностью оправдал ожидания астрофизиков. Телескоп способен давать информацию о наиболее отдаленных окраинах Вселенной, об истории галактик вплоть до начала космического времени. Также он облегчит изучение экзопланет.

    Вглядываясь вглубь веков

    Возраст Вселенной — 13,8 миллиарда лет. Предшественник "Джеймса Уэбба", телескоп "Хаббл" заглянул в прошлое на 13,3 миллиарда лет и сфотографировал космические объекты, образовавшиеся через 500 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва. Считается, что в те времена, называемые эпохой реионизации, формировались первые галактики, гравитация конденсировала газ в их пределах в первые звезды, которые, в свою очередь, породили первые тяжелые элементы — углерод и кислород.

    С "Джеймсом Уэббом" астрономы рассчитывают заглянуть еще дальше, в так называемые темные века — период от 380 тысяч до 550 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва, когда Вселенная была заполнена атомами водорода и гелия. Постепенно большая часть водорода реионизировалась — превратилась в протоны и электроны, что позволило свету распространяться в космосе. Астрономы называют это событие, произошедшее примерно через 250 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва, космической зарей.

    По мере расширения Вселенной свет растягивается во все более длинные волны, за пределы видимой зоны спектра. К тому моменту, когда сигнал от самых далеких галактик доходит до нас, это уже инфракрасное излучение. Небольшую его часть обнаружил "Хаббл" в ходе своего последнего обзора Ultra Deep Field-IR. Также оказалось, что ранние галактики отличаются от расположенных ближе к нам в пространстве и времени менее отчетливой и более компактной структурой.

    "Джеймс Уэбб" ведет наблюдения исключительно в инфракрасном диапазоне. Предусмотрены специальные камеры, позволяющие рассмотреть внутренние области галактик, скрытые в видимом свете космической пылью. Ученые надеются увидеть самые ранние стадии формирования звезд в только что образовавшихся галактиках.

    Самые далекие объекты Вселенной по версии Амнирц09ЗВ

    Наиболее удаленным астрономическим объектом раньше считали галактику GN-z11 в созвездии Большой Медведицы, открытую "Хабблом" в 2016-м. Ее свет возник через 400 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва и шел к нам 13,4 миллиарда лет. Но Вселенная постоянно расширяется, и расстояние в световых годах до GN-z11 сейчас намного больше — около 32 миллиардов.

    С апреля, когда начали поступать данные от JWST, верхняя строчка в таблице самых далеких объектов Вселенной обновлялась уже несколько раз. Сейчас там галактика CEERS-93316, обнаруженная в июле. Она родилась всего спустя 250 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва.

    Наиболее удаленной звездой пока считается WHL0137-LS, известная как Эарендел — так звали одного из персонажей Толкина. Она образовалась примерно через 900 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва, а ее свет добирался до Земли 12,9 миллиарда лет.

    Звезду открыл в начале этого года телескоп "Хаббл" при помощи гравитационного линзирования скопления галактик в созвездии Кита. Тридцатого июля "Джеймс Уэбб" сделал более четкий ее снимок. Родительская галактика звезды — WHL0137-zD1 — получила неофициальное название "Арка восхода", так как из-за линзирования ее свет искривлен и выглядит длинным полумесяцем.


    "Мы нашли больше галактик в самой ранней Вселенной, чем предсказывало компьютерное моделирование, поэтому остается много вопросов о том, как и когда образовались первые звезды и галактики", — говорит астроном из Манчестерского университета Ребекка Боулер, один из авторов открытия CEERS-93316.

    Пока обработали только начальный набор данных JWST. Поэтому велика вероятность, что период образования первых космических объектов отодвинется еще дальше. А это не очень укладывается в теорию Большого взрыва.


    Новичок Saturnren 1

  • Первые результаты

    Самый мощный инструмент наблюдения за космическим пространством, который когда-либо был в распоряжении человечества, — космический телескоп "Джеймс Уэбб" (JWST) вывели на орбиту вокруг точки Лагранжа L2 системы Солнце — Земля 24 января. Предполагали, что он сможет заглянуть так далеко в глубины космоса, куда не дотягивался ни один телескоп, и увидит свет первых звезд и галактик, образовавшихся сразу после Большого взрыва.

    Первые снимки JWST НАСА опубликовало 12 июля. Это была серия из пяти изображений, самых глубоких и четких за всю историю космических наблюдений. Накануне одно из них, со скоплением галактик SMACS 0723, известное как Первое глубокое поле Уэбба, представили в Белом доме президенту США Джо Байдену.

    Выступая на презентации, глава НАСА Билл Нельсон отметил, что снимок охватывает лишь очень небольшой участок звездного неба, который покрывает песчинка, зажатая между пальцами на расстоянии вытянутой руки.

    "Джеймс Уэбб" полностью оправдал ожидания астрофизиков. Телескоп способен давать информацию о наиболее отдаленных окраинах Вселенной, об истории галактик вплоть до начала космического времени. Также он облегчит изучение экзопланет.

    Вглядываясь вглубь веков

    Возраст Вселенной — 13,8 миллиарда лет. Предшественник "Джеймса Уэбба", телескоп "Хаббл" заглянул в прошлое на 13,3 миллиарда лет и сфотографировал космические объекты, образовавшиеся через 500 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва. Считается, что в те времена, называемые эпохой реионизации, формировались первые галактики, гравитация конденсировала газ в их пределах в первые звезды, которые, в свою очередь, породили первые тяжелые элементы — углерод и кислород.

    С "Джеймсом Уэббом" астрономы рассчитывают заглянуть еще дальше, в так называемые темные века — период от 380 тысяч до 550 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва, когда Вселенная была заполнена атомами водорода и гелия. Постепенно большая часть водорода реионизировалась — превратилась в протоны и электроны, что позволило свету распространяться в космосе. Астрономы называют это событие, произошедшее примерно через 250 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва, космической зарей.

    По мере расширения Вселенной свет растягивается во все более длинные волны, за пределы видимой зоны спектра. К тому моменту, когда сигнал от самых далеких галактик доходит до нас, это уже инфракрасное излучение. Небольшую его часть обнаружил "Хаббл" в ходе своего последнего обзора Ultra Deep Field-IR. Также оказалось, что ранние галактики отличаются от расположенных ближе к нам в пространстве и времени менее отчетливой и более компактной структурой.

    "Джеймс Уэбб" ведет наблюдения исключительно в инфракрасном диапазоне. Предусмотрены специальные камеры, позволяющие рассмотреть внутренние области галактик, скрытые в видимом свете космической пылью. Ученые надеются увидеть самые ранние стадии формирования звезд в только что образовавшихся галактиках.

    Самые далекие объекты Вселенной по версии сайта http://stimuler.ru.

    Наиболее удаленным астрономическим объектом раньше считали галактику GN-z11 в созвездии Большой Медведицы, открытую "Хабблом" в 2016-м. Ее свет возник через 400 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва и шел к нам 13,4 миллиарда лет. Но Вселенная постоянно расширяется, и расстояние в световых годах до GN-z11 сейчас намного больше — около 32 миллиардов.

    С апреля, когда начали поступать данные от JWST, верхняя строчка в таблице самых далеких объектов Вселенной обновлялась уже несколько раз. Сейчас там галактика CEERS-93316, обнаруженная в июле. Она родилась всего спустя 250 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва.

    Наиболее удаленной звездой пока считается WHL0137-LS, известная как Эарендел — так звали одного из персонажей Толкина. Она образовалась примерно через 900 миллионов лет после Большого взрыва, а ее свет добирался до Земли 12,9 миллиарда лет.

    Звезду открыл в начале этого года телескоп "Хаббл" при помощи гравитационного линзирования скопления галактик в созвездии Кита. Тридцатого июля "Джеймс Уэбб" сделал более четкий ее снимок. Родительская галактика звезды — WHL0137-zD1 — получила неофициальное название "Арка восхода", так как из-за линзирования ее свет искривлен и выглядит длинным полумесяцем.


    "Мы нашли больше галактик в самой ранней Вселенной, чем предсказывало компьютерное моделирование, поэтому остается много вопросов о том, как и когда образовались первые звезды и галактики", — говорит астроном из Манчестерского университета Ребекка Боулер, один из авторов открытия CEERS-93316.

    Пока обработали только начальный набор данных JWST. Поэтому велика вероятность, что период образования первых космических объектов отодвинется еще дальше. А это не очень укладывается в теорию Большого взрыва.


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    Secret, of course, is an app that allows users to share their thoughts and feelings with others via mobile app. Launched first on iOS, the app leverages your address book to allow you to see what your friends and friends of friends are also posting. Now on Android, it set to grow pretty dramatically. On stanley polska Android At LastThe launch on Android comes just six weeks after former Twitter mobile engineer Sara Haider joined Secret to lead development on t stanley cup spain he platform. Si stanley bottles nce then, the team has been busy building a version of Secret that is more than just a port of the iOS app. I didn ;t want to make just an OK version of Secret for Android, Haider told me. Instead, she said she wanted to make something that was beautiful and immersive, adding, Beautiful and immersive aren ;t words that are usually used to describe apps on Android. And so, the Secret team set to work on building a version that would carry over all the same fun


    Комментатор Morrissdix 5

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    Looks like most of us should be booking in for our theory test again before getting air force ones behind the wheel. Itapos probably been a while since you last read the Highway Code to brush up on your traffic sign knowledge - but our roads are forever changing. Plus, if youapos;re ever caught breaching certain signs, even if you donapos;t think youapos;re doing anything wrong - you could end up with a hefty fine and points on your licence. You could also accidentally put your life, or others, in danger. One particular road sign is leaving Brits absolutely baffled after going viral online. So, letapos see if you can figure it out. apos;Person behind me demanded I stop reclining my plane seat 鈥?I was fumingapos; Taking to Reddit, an anonymous user posted a photo of salomon wanderschuhe a rather complicated-looking road sign, with the caption: I have no idea what this sign means. The sign shows an upside red triangle fol crocs badelatschen lowed by two black arrows - one pointing straight forward, the other bending r Nzoz India s golden quest to tackle black money and the lessons from a centuryago

    It s been just over a decade since the fourth most powerful earthquake of the modern era triggered adiletten original a tsunami that struck Fukushima on the eastern coastline of Japan, causing thousands of deaths and leaving hundreds of thousands unable to return home. That tsunami was also responsible for the world s worst nuclear accident since the Chernobyl disaster. When the 14-metre wave flooded the Fukushima Daiichi plant, it shut down emergency generators, triggering a series of heat-induced meltdowns. Now, the Japanese government s decision to allow the release of more than one million tonnes of radioactive water from the plant into the ocean has dividedopinion.Water is a vital tool for all nuclear power stations: it s used to cool their heat-generating radioactive cores. During the cooli adidas originals ng process, the water becomes contaminated with af1 radionuclides 鈥?unstable atoms with excess energy 鈥?and must be filtered to remove as many radionuclides as possible. The filtered water is then stored in huge stee


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  • Hmaj I gave birth naturally aged 68 鈥?my adult children threatened to disown me but I gave her a heavenly name

    SAMANTHA Louise Lewthwaite is accused of causing the deaths of more than 400 people, thanks to her involvement in Somalia-based Islamic milita <a href=https://www.stanleymugs.us>stanley cup price</a> nt group, al-Shabaab.The Northern Ireland-born terrorist is one of the subjects in Netflixs true-crime docu-series Worlds Most Wanted.The聽best series聽on NetflixThe聽best movies聽on Netflix5 Interpol has issued a Red Notice , requesting her arrestWho is Samantha Lewthwaite Samantha was born on December 5, 1983,聽 to Andrew and Elizabeth Lewthwaite in Banbridge, County Down in <a href=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us>stanley cup tumbler</a> Northern Ireland.She studied for a politics and religion degree at the聽School of Oriental and African Studies,聽University of London, but dropped out.Lewthwaite was badly affected by h <a href=https://www.stanley-cup.it>stanley tumblers</a> er parents divorce in 1994 and sought solace from Muslim neighbours who she believed had a stronger family network. Lewthwaite was raised a Christian but converted to Islam when she was 17. She adopted the聽Muslim name Sherafiyah at the time of her conversion.Lewthwaite m Takf Brit footballer Billy Hood claims to have bombshell evidence Dubai cops FRAMED him as he rots in jail

    DONALD Trump has warned all options are on the table to force Venezuelas President Nicolas Maduro out of power, as US government staff are ordered to flee the country amid fears of a coup.The US Commander in Chief mused over military intervention to oust Maduro, who has plunged his country into economic d <a href=https://www.stanley-cup.pl>stanley kubek</a> isaster, after another Venezuelan official declared himself president.9 Blood drips from a Venezuelan protesters face onto the nations flag around his neck af <a href=https://www.stanleywebsite.us>stanley website</a> ter clashes in CaracasCredit: EPA9 Trump has said no options are off the table as Russia and China urge him not intervene with military mightCredit: EPAThe US was the first country to officially recognise Juan聽Guaido - the聽President of Venezuelas National Assembly - who declared himself interim president until fresh elections could be held.On Wednesday Trump said he would use the full weight of United Sta <a href=https://www.stanley1913.com.es>stanley cup</a> tes economic and diplomatic power to back Guaido before calling Madu


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    A MAN switched at birth says he stanley cup resents his mum for not swapping him back because he grew up dirt poor while the other child was rich.Robin was raised by Sandy Dawkins, a single mum struggling to make ends meet, while Gavin was raised by wealthier parent Megs Clinton Parker in South Africa.4Gavin, left, was raised by a wealthy parent while Robin, right, was brought up by a less well off parent4Gavin said he was happy with the life he landed accidentally4R stanley becher obin now says he understands why Megs and Sandy chose not to swap the pair backThe error was discovered in 1991 after a dispute over Gavin s paternity led to a DNA test that showed Megs was not his birth mother.A check of hospital records then revealed Megs biological son, Robin, was actually being raised by Sandy.But confronted with the possibility of swapping their birth sons back, Megs and Sandy chose i stanley cup nstead to keep the kids they had raised since birth, reports 60 Minutes Australia.The boys grew up 300 miles apart in v Zpvw I racked up 拢4,000 in parking tickets and got fired from my job 鈥?it inspired me to set up 拢1billion business

    BARBRA Streisand has apologised for claiming Michael Jackson had sexual needs and the men who say he abused them as kids were thrilled to be there .The singer, 76, launched into the bizarre defence of Jacko after Wade Robson and James Safechuck accused him of child molestation in the documentary Leaving Neverland.6 Barbra Streisand has said she belie stanley shop ves Wade Robson and James SafechuckCredit: Getty Images - Getty6 The 76-year-old singer said she doesnt blame Jackson for what happenedCredit: AFP or licensors6 Streisand said she blames the parents of the victi stanley tumblr msCredit: refer to caption.Michael Jackson paedo investigation cops were totally convinced superstar was sexually abusing young boys, Leaving Neverland producer claims She said last night: I am profoundly sorry for any pa stanley quencher in or misunderstanding I caused by not choosing my words more carefully about Michael Jackson and his victims. I didnt mean to dismiss the trauma these boys experienced


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    Shannen Doherty Responds After Alyssa Milano Denies Getting Her Fired From CharmedAppearing with those costars from Charmed at MegaCon Orlando, Shannen Doherty offered her response to fellow cast member Alyssa Milanos remarks about her exit from the show.By Corinne Heller Feb 05, 2024 1:40 AMTagsTVFeudsRose McGowanShannen DohertyAlyssa MilanoWatch: Alyssa Milano Responds to Claim She Got Shannen Doherty Fired From CharmedShannen Doherty聽appeared less than聽Charmed by Alyssa Milanos take on her controversial departure from the sho stanley cup w.The 52-year-old spoke聽again about her 2001 exit from the WB series Feb. 4, soon聽after her fellow costar聽denied allegations she had her fired. A lot stanley cup of things have been said, Doherty told a crowd at a panel event at MegaCon Orlando, sitting in between fellow聽Charmed聽alumni聽Holly Marie Combs聽and Rose McGowan, and a lot of them very hurtful. The actress, who has been battling stage 4 cancer for seve stanley cup ral years, continue Fwjb The Road to Rachel Brosnahan s Blue 2019 Emmys Dress

    Taylor Swift, Lil Nas X, Miley Cyrus and More: The MixtapE! Presents the Songs of SummerThe season may be over, but the music--including hits from Normani, Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello and more--will live on forever.By Billy Nilles Sep 0 air max 1 2, 2019 5:02 PMTagsMusicMiley CyrusJonas BrothersKaty PerryTaylor SwiftCelebritiesFeaturesEntertainmentGetty Images; Melissa Herwitt/E! IllustrationWell start with the bad news first.Despite the still swelling temperatures across the country, Labor Day is here and the summer is, for all intents and purposes hoka , officially over. But the good news is that the music the season brought into our lives鈥攖he bangers as big as the temps and the slow jams as steamy as the humidit mizuno y alike鈥攚ill live on forever.And with the season coming to a close, it means its time to talk about those songs. While the official song of summer may be a foregone conclusion鈥攈ead on over here if you dont know what were talking about鈥攖heres so much more to cele


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  • Arav Remembering Granny: Inside Queen Elizabeth II s Relationship With William, Harry and More Grandkids

    ExclusiveAre the Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC Planning a Stadium Tour Together Lance Bass Says鈥n an exclusive interview with E! News, Lance Bass discussed the possibility of *NSYNC touring with the Backstreet Boys hinting, I love being on that stage. By Mike Vulpo Feb 20, 2023 2:30 PMTagsMusicLance BassConcertsInterviewsPodcastExclusivesCelebritiesiHeartRadioBackstreet BoysEntertainment stanley cups Watch: Lance Bass Son Has the Entertainment Bug: Oh No The Backstreet Boys聽and *NSYNC聽performing together Well, that would be larger than life!聽If youre a fan of 90s music, ch stanley cup ances are you grew up begging boy bands to quit playing games with your heart, while also never wanting to say Bye, Bye, Bye to your favorites.So, naturally, as *NSYNCs聽Lance Bass聽goes back in time to interview his musical peers in the new iHeartRadio podcast Frosted Tips, a common question has come up: Would his band team up with stanley cup BSB for a concert tour Its fun to think ab Ltvl The Weeknd Lights Up the Super Bowl Halftime Show With Explosive Performance

    Lupita Nyongo Details Her Exhausting Black Panther Boot CampStarring as Naika in Black Panther, Nyongo spent six weeks in training to prepare for her roleBy Amanda Rothenberg Jan 30, 2018 10:24 PMTag salomon sMoviesPremieresLupita NyongoBlack PantherWatch: Lupita Nyongo Loves Physical Challenge of Black Panther You thoug jordan ht leg day was hard Lupita Nyongo endured a six-week long intensive boot camp to prepare for her role as Naika in Black Panther. Fortunately,聽she loved every minute of it!On Monday night, Nyongo聽spoke to E! News Zuri Hall at the Dolby Theatre during the movies world premiere event. The actress described the physical challenge she faced in preparation for the film. I had to get into particularly good shape...to be able to do the stunts, Nyongo said. And I loved it. The boot camp consisted of four-hour nike dunk training days where the cast worked on strength, stamina


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  • Fdta Families face each other in court as millionaire s son, 18, accused of murdering schoolboy, 15, found stripped in field

    COPS are assessing claims Nicola Sturgeon broke her own Covid laws after she was videoed not wearing a mask in a barbershop.The First Minister visited Iconic Gents Hair in East Kilbride on Saturday while stanley cup on the council election campaign trail - less than 48 hours before Scottish mask rules will finally be ditched.5The First Minister visited Iconic Gents Hair in East Kilbride where she was seen without a m stanley cups askCredit: Wattie Cheung5Nicola Sturgeon has been reported to cops after appearing to break her own face mask rules less than 48 hours before the rules will be ditchedCredit: PA5A video emerged on social media of Nicola Sturgeon not wearing stanley bottles a maskBut while official pics from the event showed Ms Sturgeon covered up, another clip emerged on social media of the SNP leader in the hairdressers maskless - at a time when the legal virus curb was still in force.A Police Scotland spokesperson said: We have received a complaint which is currently being assessed. The SNP claimed the lapse had on Doky Schoolboys banned from wearing shorts in heatwave get round it by donning SKIRTS instead

    Two thirds of commuters believe public transport is a major cause of winter illness.This is due to a lack of fresh air, germs covering handrails and seats, and being in close stanley drink bottle proximity to strangers, according to over half of respon stanley thermoskannen dents.2 Three in 10 commuters think travellin stanley butelka g on the tube is likely to make them catch a bugCredit: Getty - ContributorThe study of 2,000 Brits who commute on public transport revealed four in five experienced a winter illness last year, and more than a third said it is very likely this was due to their form of travel.Three in 10 think travelling on the tube is likely to make them catch a bug, while more than half said buses increase their chance of becoming ill.The research, commissioned by menthol sweet maker Jakemans, revealed 66 per cent of commuters blame public transport for winter illnesses and 41 per cent have been coughed on during their commute.The findings expose the fears commuters carry with them while travelling to and from work, with three i


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    COPS have stepped up their efforts to track stanley cup down a missing schoolgirl who hasnt been seen since last week.Chloe Palmer went missing from her home in Brinkburn Avenue in Cramlington, Northumberland, last Thursday.2 15-year-old Chloe Palmer has been missing since ThursdayCredit: North News and Pictures2 She was last seen at her home in Brinkburn Avenue, Cramling stanley cup ton, NorthumberlandCredit: TwitterPolice say the 15-year-old is still missing and聽are appealing for the publics help in finding聽the teenager who is believed to have travelled to the Darlington area.Anyone who knows where she might be is asked to contact聽Northumbria Police on聽101.Related storiesVAZS MILLIONSShamed Labour MP Keith Vaz stanley cup has 拢4m property empire - and pays private school fees on just two incomesEPITOME OF EVILRelatives of family murdered by suicide dad, Alan Hawe, says he was evil and NOT mentally illARE CARS GIVING US ALZHEIMERS Disease could be linked to tiny particles from diesel e Waxt Theresa s Task

    SNAPPING a picture and writing a detailed caption, posting on Instagram is like a modern-day diar af1 y for many teenagers.But for 19-year-old Tee, from Northamptonshire, the images werent arty shots of her breakfast or her feet in a warm mountain of sand.6 Tee made a x yeezy 27;mental health Instagram account where she would post images of skinny body with captions claiming she looked fat - in this image she was a size 6 and fainting daily from the lack of food6 Tee is seen here in 2016 at one of her lowest weight before being transferred to St. Andrews for mental health supportInstead, the teen shared pictures of herself showing her stick thin legs and would write degrading comments underneath, such as: Fat as f*** .She would also obsessively scroll through accounts showing girls with their ribs poking out or adidas samba horrific self-harm injuries.It would soon send her into a downward spiral with her mental health and fuel her negative thoughts about her own image.Tee


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  • Lyca UK weather: Map reveals spate of urgent flood warnings as heavy rain crosses country 鈥?after horror deluge caused chaos

    EVERYONE is saying stanley mug that a police e-fit of a burglar looks like one of the worlds top music icons.Kent Police want to shame the burglar by showing the public a face stanley cup theyll never forget.4A certain amount of patience is required while trying to figure out which celebrity this stanley thermoskanne e-fit resemblesCredit: SWNSHe could end up back for good behind bars after he broke into a house in Deal, Kent on December 17.The homeowners were woken by the raid and confronted the incredible intruder.It was by no means the greatest day of their lives as he demanded their house keys and punched a woman.Perhaps burgling the property was the first step of his plan to rule the world.The suspect fled after his balaclava was pulled off, revealing his resemblance to Take That icon Gary Barlow.It only takes a minute of puzzled squinting to see the close likeness between the crook and the crooner.Most read in The SunHUW IN DOCKHuw Edwards PAID convicted paedo 拢1.5k for dark web images video of childrenEME Pmii Shocking moment pensioner in his 70s sent flying into air as he s mowed down while crossing road 鈥?before driver flees

    EMOJIS are a bit like sex 鈥?you just assume everyone is better at it than you.While tho stanley cup se in the know dart between well over 3,000 characters, the rest of us trot out the same dependable handful we ve used in texts and emails for a decade.13Do not overdo fondue emojiNew additions for 2020 include bubble tea, fondue and a bloke with a moustache in a wedding dress.聽But let s face it, there s only about three you actually need 鈥?Too Lazy To Say I m Sad, Too Lazy To Say I Love That and Too Lazy To Say I Am Laughing So Hard My Eyes Got Wet. So why do we love these little image characters so much Because at heart we re still the same knuckle-dragging cave idiots we were thousands of years ago 鈥?we like pictures.聽Why agonise over the perfect words to sum up your joy, 颅admiration, sadness and empathy for your fellow human when a stanley kaufen poop emoji with a winky face does the job in seconds Sadly, whether you use five or 500, your emoji game can be your undoing, t stanley cup hough.聽A manners minefield, if you use t


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    As data and economic scenarios change daily, there is only one certainty in the market: volatility. It is a challenge to pick stocks that hav stanley kubek e upside in a market like this. Investors would rather settle for an assured dividend and a stable stock price if upside seems uncertain.Energy infrastructure stocks tend to fulfill these dual goals. These companies have an assured stream of revenues from regulated businesses, and as demand is more or less stable, stock prices don t tend to fluctuate too much.An energy infrastr botella stanley ucture company on the TSXAlta stanley cups Gas TSX:ALA is one of the most promising energy infrastructure companies with a focus on clean energy. It reported its second-quarter results recently, and the numbers were strong. Net income was $21 million compared to $41 million in the second quarter of 2019.While net income might have fallen compared to last year, the best part about AltaGas is that a large chunk of its revenues is guaranteed. As CEO Randy Crawford said, We are operating a Hrih 3 Factors That Could Sink Home Capital Group Inc. s Stock Again

    Shopify TSX:SHOP NYSE:SHOP has generated impressive returns for investors over the years, but the stock may be running out of steam. Its valuation usurped Royal Bank of Canada聽earlier this month, as it became the highest-valued stock on the Toronto Stock Exchange. For a company that doesn ;t generate profits, it an amazing accomplishment.However, it also a reminder of how far Shopify come over the years and why buying the stock right now may be dangerous. With the economy headed for a recession and unemployment levels rising, consumers are going to have less money to spend on Shopify stanley taza platform. Most industries will stanley cups suffer as a result of the downturn, and while Shopify may still be doing well now, it not immune to the effects of COVID-19.That why, as strong as its trajectory is right now, it unlikely to continue. Shopify valuation has gotten bloated to the point where it hard t stanley flask o miss the bubble that b


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    Are you looking for investments that can provide you with passive income and little management on your part Then, a good start would be to select dividend stocks that don ;t provide the highest yields. Typically, stocks that provide the highest yields com stanley cup pared to their peers are a hint that they are riskier. Particularly, Canadian real estate investment trusts REITs are good places to seek passive income from real estate. It as passive as it can get! Notably, one factor that has been pressuring stocks of REITs is higher interest rates since 2022. Here ar stanley cups e a couple of Canadia stanley uk n REITs that have relatively low debt levels in their industries. To be sure, I checked that they don ;t have the highest cash distribution yields among their peers. When we enter a new interest rate cut cycle whenever it might come, these stocks should see higher prices.Granite REITAt the end of the month, Granite REIT TSX:GRT.UN will be reporting its fourth-quarter Q4 and full-year Vkhn Buy Alert: This TSX Stock Is a Buy After Q2 Earnings!

    Tech stocks have led the market higher for years. Companies like Netflix, Facebook, and Alphabet the parent company of Google have all more than quadrupled over the past decade. That more than seven times the return of the SP/TSX Composite Index. If you wanted to get rich over the last 10 years, technology stocks were the way to stanley cup go.While Netflix, Facebook, and Google are all U.S. companie stanley water bottle s, Canada has had its own share of tech successes. In fact, many of Canada top tech stocks have bright futures ahead of them.If you want to tap into the fastest-growing compan stanley cup ies on the TSX, now is your chance.Inventing the futureBlackBerry TSX:BB NYSE:BB is one of Canada most iconic stocks. Long known for manufacturing smartphones with physical keyboards, BlackBerry has exited the phone-making business entirely. Today, it focused on software that will enable next-gen technologies like autonomous vehicles, the Internet of Things, and real-time healthcare analyt


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  • Qmpq Shoppers could be hit by truckers tax under Labour plans to get hauliers to plug 拢6bn road funding gap

    A BITTER dispute between neighbours erupted in violence when one bit the other in stanley cup the crotch.John McCormick, 66, and his wife Deborah, 52, had rowed for years with next-door neighbour James Wilson, 39, and his partner Clare Crichton, 31.2 John McCormick, 66, and his wife had rowed for years with their neighboursCredit: ncjMediaThe McCormicks had called the police and local stanley cup council on numerous occasions after receiving abuse on social media and graffiti daubed on their house, it was said.He finally cracked in August 2016 when he threw a hocke stanley cup y stick at Clare as she walked past his house.She alerted James who challenged McCormick triggering a vicious fight, Newcastle crown court heard.Prosecutor Sam Faulks said: John McCormick caused injuries sustained by Mr Wilson. He accepted hitting him across the forehead, biting his nose and biting his crotch area.2 The dispute escalated when one bit the other in the crotchCredit: ncjMedia The Crown say this was a sustained and repea Pphu Grimacing Theresa May is the latest politician to fall victim to the school visit photo op curse

    JEREMY Corbyn has been blasted for whipping up a race row after he said plans to introduce voter ID would suppress minority voters.Boris adidas og Johnson is bringing in a new law to introduce ID checks at polling stations to fight electoral fraud.2 Jeremy Corbyn has been blasted for whipping up a race row by suggesting Boris Johnsons voter ID plans would suppress minority votersBut in an astonishing attack, the Labour boss raged: These plans are clearly discriminatory and a blatant attempt adidas campus by the Tories to suppress voters, deny people their democratic rights and rig the result of the next general election. The people that the Tories are trying to stop voting will be disproportionately from ethnic minority backgrounds, and they will disproportionately be working class voters of all ethnicities. The astonishing broadside sparked uproar among Tory politicians who savaged Mr Corbyn s patronising views.Shaun Bailey, Tory candidate for Mayor of L af1 ondon, said: This is a crude at


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  • Uvkc Ohio teacher on leave after racially charged remark

    Sistillio Popo,50, of Delaware is being held on a five million dollar bond in a Wilmington-area prison while he awaits extradition to Maryland.Popo faces 26 felony charges including three counts of attempted murder and armed robbery.According to police the suspect and a unidentified accomplice are accused of entering a home in the 300 block of Locust Point Road with handguns.The suspect threatened the victim s life, struck him with the weapon and fired one round in the home.The suspects fled after obtaining cash, firearms and other objects from the home.While exiting the community the suspects fired serval rounds at two neighbors who attempted to stop them from fleeing.The neighbors were able to provide vehicle and suspect descriptions, leading investigators to Popo and the getaway car.Popo was arrested without incident, investigators found the handgun used in the home invasio stanley cup n and other items taken from the home.The incident is still under stanley cup investigation.Anyone with infor stanley taza mation is aske Csaf Ohio mother beaten to the brink of death, raped in her own home

    WHITE MARSH, Md. 鈥?Dozens of neighbors packed the White Marsh Volunteer Fire building Wednesday night for a chance to ask questions directly to environmental officials, and to the developers of a proposed crematory and funeral home on Philadelphia Road.An informational meeting was hosted by the Maryland Department of the Environment, inviting the public and the developers. The company would need a permit from MDE to start building.Despite reassurances from those behind the pr stanley mug oject, many neighbors were not convinced the crematory should be built. Neighbors raised concerns with what s released into the air, the property values of their home stanley mugs s, and the nearby traffic. We don t need it here because we re already choked up with fumes, gas fumes, car fumes, one neighbor said. J stanley thermoskannen ust the fact that having a crematorium right there, in the center of your community - it s a lot of negativity attached to it, said Andy Dudek, another neighbor.Charlie Evans, the owner of Evans Funeral Chapel, says t


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